- A presentation of the work of glokal e.V. on the portal Learning from History.
- sonntagsblatt (No. 5 of 31.1.2016) about a workshop with mission groups in Munich
- Interview with glokal: A critical examination of the topic of volunteering and voluntary services by Camilla Lindner.
- Interview with glokal: This interview served, among other things, as the basis for the film “Entwicklungshilfos”.
ZEP – Journal for International Educational Research and Development Education
- Global Learning and the Debate on Postcoloniality | Annette Scheunpflug | Free Download
- The Complexity of Empowering Responsible Subjects | Christoph Steinbrink | Free Download
Reactions to a workshop critical of racism at the Goethe University Frankfurt
- youtube clips from participant Jonas B. “Experiences from the Racism Workshop” and Racism Workshop Reloaded
- Press release of the Young Alternatives Hesse
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung article, 9.12.16,[Uni asks for apology, 16.12.2016] and[University distances itself].
- Frankfurter Rundschau articles[Controversial racism workshop, 10.12.2016].
and[Goethe University rows back, 16.12.2016]. - Letter of apology from the Equal Opportunities Officer and Head of the Equal Opportunities Office Goethe University Frankfurt
- Fake News from Donald Trump:
Reactions to the open letter to Klett
- Interview with glokal e.V. on antifra*, blog of the Rosa-Luexemburg-Stiftung on debate, education, networking on migration and against racism and neo-Nazism
Reactions to the “mangoes & bullets” portal
- Review by Christina Castillón [edmc id=”2193″]”Inspiration in times of cholera, ¡mi amor!”[/edmc] in ZAG No. 70, 2015, p.47.
- Review by Ole Schwabe in analyse & kritik – zeitung für linke Debatte und Praxis / No. 608 / 15.9.2015
- Short description “Sharp-shooting tropical fruits” on the weltwärts program page.
Reactions to the open letter “Decolonize orientation framework”.
- [edmc id=”1781″]Statement by Georg Krämer[/edmc], expert promoter for global learning at Welthaus Bielelfeld.
- [edmc id=”1780″]Statement of Open School 21[/edmc] on the reactions regarding the Open Letter “Decolonize Orientation Framework” by Berlin Postkolonial, glokal, IMAFREDU, karfi and moveglobal.
Reactions to the “Education for Sustainable Inequality” Analysis
- Global Learning and the Debate on Postcoloniality, by Annette Scheunpflug, in ZEP 37th Year, Issue 4, 2014, 31-32.
- The Complexity of Empowering Responsible Subjects, by Christoph Steinbrink, in ZEP 37th Year, Issue 4, 2014, 33.
- The empire strikes back. Georg Krämer’s critique of anti-racism paints a distorted picture, by Aram Ziai, in: Welt-Sichten 10/2013.
- Close your eyes to the guilt of others. For Radical Antiracists, the Bad Guys Are Always White, by Georg Krämer, in: Welt-Sichten 9/2013.
- Critical Whiteness I: False Polarization – Critical Whiteness Criticism of Global Learning Does Not Do Justice to Its Subject, by Bernd Overwien, in: IZ3W Sept/Oct. 2013 No. 338.
Education for sustainable inequality? by Matthias Graf on Sin Rostro, September 30, 2013. - Statement by [edmc id=”1248″]Together for Africa and Welthungerhilfe [/edmc] on the study “Education for Sustainable Inequality? A Postcolonial Analysis of Development Education Materials in Germany.”, glokal e.V. (2013).
Reactions to the brochure “With colonial greetings ...”
- Natascha Nassir-Shahnian, in Periphery 129 (2013)
- Arzu Cicek, in Journal of International Educational Research and Development Education 35 (2012).
Further (scientific) reactions to the work of glokal
- Racism and Development Policy, by Henning Melber, in Fischer/Hauck/Boatc.ă (ed.) Handbook of Development Research. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2016, 303-313.
- You Whites Are Still Racists!” Experiences with German and African Students in Ghana (West Africa), by Bea Lundt, in Brüning/Deile/Lücke (eds.) Historisches Lernen als Rassismuskritik. Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau Verlag, 2016, 95-16.
- I’ll be there! On the Difficult Arrival of White Student Teachers in African Countries and the Task of History as a Subject in the Face of Agenda 2030, by Bea Lundt, in Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik 15, 2016, 31-45.
- University teaching in the tension of global contexts – exemplary alienations in learning about Africa, by Susanne Timm, in ZEP 37th year, issue 4, 2014, 20-24.
- Global Learning, by Barbara Asbrand and Annette Scheunpflug, in Sander (ed.) Handbuch politische Bildung. Schalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau Verlag, 2014.
glocal to listen
- An interview with Deutschlandradio Kultur with Tahir Della about the project ‘connecting the dots’ from August 2018.
- New coalition in Greece: No to austerity! No to racism? Interview on Radio Dreyecksland. (28.1.2015)
- Just in time for the pre-Christmas season, a critical conversation about “voluntourism” on WDR. (9.12.2014)
- A report about the brochure “With colonial greetings…” at women on air from Vienna: “Make a journey and tell about it …and why you also have to talk about racism there!” (4.3.2013)
- A report in the intercultural magazine of the Bayrischer Rundfunk about the documentary white charity: “White Charity” – A documentary about “being black and being white” on donation posters”. (01.12.2013)
- World stores as “modern colonial goods stores”? Two interviews with Radio Dreyecksland on the connection between racism and Fair Trade. (30.12.2012)
- An interview with Radio Dreyecksland: White Charity. How donation advertising for Africa reproduces stereotypes. (20.01.2012)