About us

glokal e.V. is a Berlin-based association for power-critical educational and counseling work that has been active in political youth and adult education since 2006.

On this website you will find our nationwide consulting, education and training offers for organizations, institutions, multipliers, teachers, youth groups and school classes.

An elementary component of our seminars and educational events are North-South relations, which, in our eyes, are still characterized above all by their colonial history and the asymmetrical and racist power relations based on it. The starting point of our work is thus a postcolonial and power-critical perspective on global, intra-societal and interpersonal relations. We assume that global and local inequality can only be changed if we self-critically question dominant and taken-for-granted knowledge and actions and fundamentally transform global structures. This also includes not only opposing “fair” trade to capitalist relations of exploitation, but also questioning the violent economic, social and political shaping of people and society.

Our aim is to encourage criticism of our own position in Germany and in the global context and to point out possibilities for action. For us, the latter includes, among other things, motivating people to become politically engaged and to concretely reshape structures in our own work. glokal e.V. is a member organization in the network BER e.V. Berlin Development Policy Council.


Unfortunately, we are not able to offer internships due to our capacities.

The team of glokal e.V.

Knud Aschenbroich, Adam Baher, Tahir Della, Dennis Kirschbaum, Kristina Kontzi, Lucía Muriel, Lawrence Oduro-Sarpong and Carolin Philipp.

Our team combines experience from the fields of political, environmental, educational and social sciences, anthropology, postcolonial studies, social development, political activism as well as from the approaches of anti-bias, Betzavta, mediation and systemic consulting work and organizational process facilitation.

Furthermore, we work with qualified speakers from our network as needed. For us are active among others Anna Gold, Cima-Nadja Samadi, Cornelia Schneider, Inana Othmann, Jamie Schearer
Jeasuthan Nageswaran
Mariana Lo Sasso, Murat Akan, Nora Benariba, Reza Mirdadi, Thu Hoía Tran, TImo Kiesel-Galbenis and Zuher Jazmati. The pool of speakers is accompanied by our speakers Dennis Kirschbaum and Kristina Kontzi.