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Carolin Philipp (2022): Globality in Remembering. In: Stephan Bundschuh, Ansgar Drücker, Judith Hilgers, Timo Voßberg, Eren Yıldırım Yetkin (eds.) (2022): partizipativ.erinnern. Practices – Research – Discourses. An inventory. Düsseldorf: Informations- und Dokumentationszentrum für Antirassismusarbeit, pp. 83-87.
Tahir Della (2020): Colonial History. The long road to recovery. Interview on Deutschlandfunk 06.01.2020
Carolin Philipp (2021): Global History(s) for the Future. In: Stephanie Endter, Nora Landkammer, Karin Schneider: Unlearn the museum? Coloniality and mediation in ethnological museums. Vienna: Zaglossus. S. 225-249.
Doğan Akhanlı (2018): Germany as a transnational memory space. Published in: Arrest in Grandada. Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch.
Sustaining Inequality – The Neocolonial Politics of Development Education, North-South Volunteering and Fair Trade in Germany in: Darkmatter, 2.4.2016
Before 2016
‘Africa’ in Adult Political Education in Germany [/edmc]. In: Kursiv – Journal für politische Bildung 3, 2007, 74-80.
Poverty alleviation as a business purpose. Fair trade, development cooperation and criticism of racism.[/edmc] In: Berliner Entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag (ed.): Develop-mental turn. New contributions to development education and project work critical of racism, Berlin, 50-54. In English. En espanol.
In the footsteps of colonial power. A genealogical dispositif analysis of development policy. In: Franke, Ulrich and Ulrich Roos (eds.) 2013: Reconstructive Methods in World Politics Research. Examples of application and development trends, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 181-218.
The Big Five as dangerous as ever: German development cooperation, colonial-racist imagery, and civil society’s response.[/edmc] In: Critical Literacy: Theories and Practices 7:2 2013.
Education for sustainable inequality? A postcolonial analysis of development education materials.[/edmc] In: Berliner Entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag (ed.): Develop-mental turn. New Contributions to Development Education and Project Work Critical of Racism, Berlin, 50-54.
The Trauma of Guilt or: How to Think Colonial History in a Postcolonial Germany of Today? Writing talk by Carolin Philipp (filmmaker, Berlin) and Peggy Piesche (literary scholar, New York). In: “freitext” 4/2012.
The volunteer is queen. A power-critical look at the weltwärts volunteer program.[/edmc] In: Berliner Entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag (ed.): Develop-mental turn. New contributions to development education and project work critical of racism, Berlin, 86-88.
They are different from us. Migrant hunger strike in Greece. In: jungleworld 6/2011.
Reclaiming the Road. In: jungleworld 39/2012.
Do the Rusty Radiator Awards make a difference?. On: Africasacountry. (28.1.2015)
discover / discovery / discoverer / journey of discovery [/edmc]. In: Arndt, Susan & Ofuatey-Alazard, Nadja (eds.) 2011: How Racism Speaks from Words. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutscher Sprache. A Critical Reference Work, Münster, 264-268.
Development/Development Aid/Development Policy/Developing Country [/edmc]. In: Arndt, Susan & Ofuatey-Alazard, Nadja (eds.) 2011: How Racism Speaks from Words. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutscher Sprache. A Critical Reference Work, Münster, 272-278.
‘Exoticism’. In: Arndt, Susan & Ofuatey-Alazard, Nadja (eds.) 2011: How Racism Speaks from Words. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutscher Sprache. A Critical Reference Work, Münster, 633.
‘Exoticism’. “Get into the mystery …”[/edmc]. In: ROSA – The Journal of Gender Studies, No. 40, 2010, 4-7.
Greece’s Right on the Rise[/edmc]. In: der rechte rand, 137/2012.
I help, you help, …they are helped. The voluntary service weltwärts reproduces old familiar structures [/edmc]. In: iz3w 323, 2010, 40-42.
Implanted contraception. In: Gene Ethics Information Service (GID), 217/2013, 17-19.
(In)Security in postcolonial development education in Germany. In: Critical Studies on Security 1:3, 2013, 352-354.
International Volunteering and Development – Learning to be a Global Citizen[/edmc] – Conference session report from the 2014 EADI General Conference, session organized by the “Global learning meets development” working group – Published in Voluntaris, 2014.
Interview with Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt: A Conversation on Critical Whiteness Studies in Germany. In: african reflections. eJournal of AfricAvenir international e.V., October 2007.
Local and cosmopolitan bodies. Maternal Health, German Interventions, and Hierarchies in Tanzania [/edmc]. In: Arranca! 43, 2010, 32-34.
In the middle of the school atlas. A critique of the exhibition “The Third World in World War II [/edmc]. In: iz3w – Third World Information Center, No. 316, 2010, 20-23.
‘New World’. In: Arndt, Susan & Ofuatey-Alazard, Nadja (eds.) 2011: How Racism Speaks from Words. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutscher Sprache. A Critical Reference Work, Münster, 695.
PERIPHERAL keyword post(-)colonial [/edmc]. In: PERIPHERIE – Journal of Third World Economics and Politics 120, 2010, 487-481.
Powered by YOU? A critical analysis of racism in development policy fundraising[/edmc] In: Berliner Entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag (ed.): Develop-mental turn. New Contributions to Development Education and Project Work Critical of Racism, Berlin, 50-54.
Reverse means the other way around. In: Berliner Entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag (ed.): Wer anderen einen Brunnen gräbt. Critique of Racism // Empowerment // Global Context, Berlin
Only the others are to blame. Nationalism and repression against leftists and migrants. In: jungleworld 17/2012.
Statists of their own everyday life. Township Tours in Cape Town as a Challenge to Tourism Criticism.[/edmc]In: Iz3w – Third World Information Center: Discover, Conquer, Recreate – (Post-) Colonial Travel Images, No. 291, 2006, 37-39.
“Sharing says nothing about shares” – The construction of whiteness and blackness on posters of “aid organizations”. In: Material Booklet International Weeks Against Racism. (Ed.) Intercultural Council in Germany, 2012.
‘Tropical Medicine’. In: Arndt, Susan & Ofuatey-Alazard, Nadja (eds.) 2011: How Racism Speaks from Words. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutscher Sprache. A Critical Reference Work, Münster, 670.
Superiority thinking does not fall from the sky. Postcolonial perspectives on global learning and education for sustainable development. In: ZEP -Journal of International Educational Research and Development Education: 36th Year, No.1, pp. 26-33.
Who starts with second. Education for sustainable development can transmit knowledge of power [/edmc]. In: iz3w – Informationszentrum Dirtte Welt, No. 329, 2012.
white charity – blackness and whiteness on posters of fundraising organizations. Documentary film, 2011.
How White is the Ivory Tower? Racism in Science[/edmc]. In: arranca! No. 37, 2007, 42-44.
The White Representation of ‘Africa’ in the German Public Sphere. How a continent is standardized, deformed and obscured [/edmc]. In: ak – analyse & kritik. Journal of Left Debate and Practice 520, Sept. 21. 2007, 9.
“We Liberate Worldwide!” Criticism of Racism and Development Fundraising [/edmc]. In: DZI Donations Almanac 2014, October 2014, 10-24.
In the wrong place at the wrong time? After the death of the three bank employees, the anarchist movement in Athens discusses militancy. In: jungleworld 19/2010.
Review of Adibeli Nduka-Agwu and Antje Lann Hornscheidt (eds.), 2010, Racism in Good German. A critical reference work on racist speech acts.[/edmc] PERIPHERY – Journal of Third World Economics and Politics, 124, 526-529.
Review of Bea Gomes et al (eds), 2008, Racism. A multifaceted phenomenon. [/edmc] In: PERIPHERIE – Journal of Third World Economics and Politics, 117, 136-140.
Review by Christian Weinert and Ferdinand Carriere, 2014, BLICKWECHSEL – Views on German Volunteers, In: Voluntaris Jg 3, 1/2015. A replica by Christian Weinert can be found here.
Review of Eske Wollrad, 2005, Whiteness in Contradiction.[/edmc] Feminist perspectives on racism, culture, and religion. In: iz3w – Blätter des Informationszentrums 3. Welt 6, 44.
Review of Ilan Kapoor, 2008, The Postcolonial Politics of Development. [/edmc] In: PERIPHERIE – Journal of Third World Economics and Politics, 120, 503-505.
Review of Lisa Ann Richey, 2008, Population Politics and Development. From the Policies to the Clinics.[/edmc] In: PERIPHERIE – Journal of Third World Economics and Politics, 118/119, 371-374.
Review of Stacey A. Langwick. 2011. Bodies, Politics, and African Healing. The Matter of Maladies in Tanzania. In: PERIPHERIE – Journal of Third World Economics and Politics 129, 135-138.