glokal e.V. has already been awarded four times by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and at the WeltWeitWissen Congress as an outstanding example of global learning and education for sustainable development.
2018 for the eLearning tool“connecting the dots
2014 for the module “Development-Racism-Resistance: Making (Dis-)Continuities Visible”.
2009 for the module “Climate Justice
2007 for the “World Trade Simulation” module
glokal has already worked with the following organizations:
- AAA Regensburg
- AFS Intercultural Encounters
- Agiamondo, Cologne
- agl Working Group of the One World Regional Networks in Germany e.V.
- amigra Munich
- amnesty international germany
- amnesty international Berlin
- Worker Samaritan Youth Hildesheim
- Working Group for Peace and Conflict Research e.V.
- Critical Students Working Group, Kiel University
- Doctors without borders
- ASA, GLEN, ASA weltwärts
- ASta Uni Hamburg
- ASta Uni Kiel
- ASta Uni Regensburg
- Asylum in the church
- AWO RV Mitte-West-Thüringen e.V.
- Baobab Info Shop Berlin
- Berghof Foundation, Berlin
- Berlin Development Policy Council (BER)
- Berlin Postcolonial e.V.
- BeN Bremen Development Policy Network
- BREBIT Brandenburg
- British International Studies Association
- Bread for the World – Protestant Development Service
- BUND Youth Hesse
- Federal Office for Family and Civil Society Tasks, Cologne
- Barnim Citizens’ Asylum
- Campact e. V.
- Carea Human Rights, Berlin
- Champions without borders e.V.
- Change Network, Saarland
- Color Esperanza e.V., Freiburg
- Commit e.V., Berlin
- DEEEP / Concord Europe
- Decolonize Jena
- German Development Institute Bonn
- German Institute for Human Rights
- German Countrywomen, Berlin
- Deutsche Welle Academy
- German-South African Youth Office e.V.
- Diakonie Central Germany, Halle
- The hawks
- DINX Institute, Bochum
- Documentation Center Topography of Terror
- DZI donation seal
- !ebasa
- Engagement Global gGmbH – Service for development initiatives
- One World Network Hamburg
- One World Network Hesse (EPN)
- One World Network NRW
- One World Network Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
- ENSA – Development Policy School Exchange Program
- EPIZ – Development Education and Information Center Berlin e.V.
- EPN Hesse
- Protestant Student Community Nuremberg
- Experiment e.V., Bonn
- Fairbindung e.V.
- Fair Activists e.V., Cologne
- Frank Heat House Münster
- Free Uni Bamberg
- Voluntary Social Services in the Diocese of Aachen e.V.
- Friends of Rudolf Steiner’s Art of Education e.V.
- Friends of Togo e.V.
- Peace Circle Halle e.V.
- Friedrich Ebert Foundation e.V.
- GEPA mbH
- Gender Competence Center Saxony
- Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research
- Office of the Federal Conference of Women’s and Gender Equality Representatives at Universities (bukof)
- History Forum 1989-2009
- Geschwister Scholl School Fürstenwalde
- GIZ German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ)
- Global Partnership Network, Kassel
- Global Perspectives Initiative
- Global Public Policy Institute Berlin
- Greenpeace e.V.
- Grammar school in Neuzelle Abbey
- HAW – Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
- Heinrich Böll House Lüneburg
- Heinrich Böll Foundation/ Bildungswerk Heinrich-Böll Berlin / Bildungswerk Heinrich-Böll Brandenburg
- Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development
- School of Social Work, FHNW Basel
- Humboldt University Berlin, Institute for English and American Studies
- IAMANEH Switzerland – Gender, Equity, and Transformation Office
- ICJA Voluntary Exchange Worldwide e.V.
- ifak Göttingen
- ijgd
- IKJ Saxony
- Information Office Nicaragua
- International Confederation
- Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights
- KATE e.V., Berlin
- Kawaida e.V.
- Kipppunkt Collective, Berlin
- Konzeptwerk New Economy, Leipzig
- Chalk dust, Berlin
- Kreuzberg Initiative against Anti-Semitism KIgA e.V.
- KUB Berlin
- Custodian e.V.
- lab.Bode, National Museums in Berlin
- Saxony State Working Group for Political-Cultural Education
- State Youth Council of Lower Saxony
- Life giving Forest
- Liquid Democracy, Berlin
- Love Storm
- misereor relief organization
- Mission One World Bavaria
- my Choco
- Naturefriends Youth
- Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union NABU
- NETZ Partnership for Development and Justice e.V.
- Democracy and Courage Network
- Nicanet e.V.
- No Border Group Passau
- North German Mission
- North German Broadcasting
- North Church Hamburg
- North-South Forum Munich
- Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos e.V. (nph)
- NRW-Promotor*innenprogramm Eine Welt Netz NRW e.V.
- Eggestedter Straße Upper Secondary School, Bremen
- OEW South Tyrol
- Open Globe NRW
- Open School 21
- Ecoproject Mobile Game Munich
- Orangotango collective
- OSZ Palmnicken Fürstenwalde
- Otto Schott High School, Mainz-Gonsenheim
- Oxfam Germany e.V.
- Pedagogical Institute of the City of Munich
- PAP Performing Arts Program Berlin
- Peace Brigades International e.V.
- Powershift e.V.
- project shelter Frankfurt
- ProjectTogether gGmbH
- recherche international e.V.
- Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
- Save the Children, Berlin
- Student company Kursiv-Druck Alvin-Lonke Straße, Bremen
- Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe
- SCI Volunteer Services
- Service Agency Climate Justice Hamburg
- Sinneswandel gGmbH
- SODI e.V., Berlin
- Sofia e.V., Trier
- Stadtjugendring Reutlingen e. V.
- Municipality Syke
- Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg
- Students for Future, Cologne
- Suni e.V., FRG and Namibia
- Survival International
- Syspons, Berlin
- Team global, bpb
- Tourism Watch
- Transgender Europe
- and now? Conference Grenzenlos e.V.
- Unisolar e.V.
- University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
- Augsburg University
- Bielefeld University
- Duisburg University
- Essen University
- University of Passau
- Urgewald e.V., Sassenberg and Berlin
- Association of Lower Saxony Education Initiatives – Project Office UmWELTbildung
- VAMOS Freiburg
- VEMission
- VEN Lower Saxony
- venrob Potsdam
- Visions for Children, Hamburg
- Adult Education Center Bremen and Bremerhaven
- w3 Hamburg
- Change Week
- Vision Bonn
- Farsightedness Freiburg
- Welthaus Bielefeld
- Welthungerhilfe
- World store umbrella organization
- World Garden Witzenhausen
- Worldshops Hesse
- World Cultures Museum, Frankfurt am Mai
- Worldwide Berlin
- WinD
- ZoffOFF Mediation Collective
- Migratory birds e.V.