(De-)Colonial Images. Contributions to the avoidance of discrimination in development policy donation and public relations work.

The project addresses the pressing problem of discriminatory portrayal in developmental public relations. In cooperation with the Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland (ISD-Bund e.V.), we want to bring together the discussion, which has so far been selective and scattered, and consolidate a political dialogue with responsible development policy associations and fundraising institutions. The project is at multiple levels of impact:

At the political level, the dialogue that has already begun is to be consolidated through strategy workshops/round tables and consultations. Interested NGOs can contact us.

On the level of practical work of NGOs, we offer two two-day trainings (once in Berlin once nationwide), in which participants can acquire a higher level of competence in terms of avoiding discriminatory portrayal among participants. Through a practice-oriented joint reflection of the current situation, the critical reflection of one’s own work as well as the development of new approaches, an avoidance of racism in its interplay with other power relations (in relation to gender, sexuality, economic situation, etc.) in developmental public relations work is to be achieved.

Screenings of the film White Charity followed by discussion provide an introduction and good overview of the topic and a way to reach many people. The film from 2011 analyzes exemplary development policy fundraising posters from a racism-critical perspective. It brings critical scholars into conversation with representatives of development NGOs on film about racism and discrimination in fundraising.

On the level of real imagery, we offer two two-day workshops (once in Berlin once nationwide) in which images are constructively and creatively rethought. One of these workshops is explicitly designed as an empowerment workshop and is intended to provide a safe space to think about what images about global injustice might look like without reproducing racism.

The project will be rounded off in 2016 with a decolonial poster competition and presented to the general public.

We are looking for cooperation partners for the events mentioned above. Feel free to contact us by mail!

The project is supported by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL on behalf of the BMZ, with funds from the Church Development Service through Bread for the World – Protestant Development Service, the North-South Bridges Foundation and the Landeszentrale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Berlin.