
Our experience with evaluations is that internal but also external evaluations almost always remain in the project logic. With regard to power relations, discrimination and exclusion, so-called unintended effects are usually not included in the evaluation. For example, an educational material can be evaluated as successful and appealing and at the same time fundamentally violate the project’s own values and goals (e.g., the goal of achieving equity) because it is aimed exclusively at a white target group and there is “learning at the expense of others.” Power-critical evaluation therefore makes it possible to evaluate projects without losing sight of socially effective power relations that play a role in them.

Power-critical evaluation can start at the end of a project or after the completion of a product (summative evaluation), as well as from the beginning of the project (formative evaluation). A link with process consulting is also possible.

Our expertise lies in qualitative evaluation. When necessary for projects, we are happy to work with external colleagues who specialize in quantitative evaluation.

Evaluation projects are developed in close cooperation with the clients and are usually also financed by them. For self-evaluators we offer a consultation on power-critical evaluation. We are also happy to submit bids for tenders.