On the deportation of our colleague Immaculate Adet

1 News
2 Letter Template
3 Backgrounds: Newsletter from glokal

1 News

Immaculate Adet is no longer in custody pending deportation! It is still useful to sign the petition. Letters to the authorities and politicians do not have to be written in the near future. We are waiting …

Here is an article from the Tagesspiegel from 06.09.2018
Here is an article from the Nordbayrischen Kurier from 31.08.2018.

2 Templates for letters to responsible persons in Bavaria

Template 1

Dear Minister of State Herrmann,
I just learned that Immaculate Adet has been in custody pending deportation since Wednesday evening. She was arrested immediately after a hearing concerning her stay here. I am personally surprised and shocked by this practice. It raises the question of whether this is still an independent judiciary.
Was the verdict already determined before the trial?
The decision to deport an active campaigner for human rights is socially indefensible. Especially at a time when right-wing violence threatens to become the norm in society, it is all the more important to take decisions that point the way forward in the interests of democracy.
Although Adet advocated for an open, democratic society for years, her civic engagement played no role in the court proceedings.
Wouldn’t you think it appropriate, at least now, to put human dignity above an expected increase in votes?
For me, they are largely responsible for the situation Adet is currently in, but they could also be part of the solution!
I therefore hereby call upon you to take a closer look at the reasons for the ruling of the Bayreuth Administrative Court and the circumstances surrounding the hearing. Use your position to actively campaign for Immaculate Adet to be released and receive a residence permit according to §25b AufenthG.
I attach further information about the background of the case and remain with kind regards, (Name)
Template 2
Dear Minister Herrmann,
It is with great concern that I learned today that Immaculate Adet has been in detention pending deportation to Uganda since the evening of Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2018, after the conclusion of her trial for her stay at the Bayreuth Administrative Court.
In your capacity as Minister of State, please urge you to support the release of Immaculate Adet! That the educational consultant Immaculate Adet was locked away immediately after the trial at the Administrative Court of Bayreuth, after 14 years of living in Germany, during which she has worked tirelessly for an open society and democratic coexistence, has shocked me deeply. This inhumane and brutal practice in the Free State of Bavaria makes my trust in the existence of the constitutional state dwindle.
The accusation of not being integrated into German society is not tenable: Immaculate Adet was highly involved not only in her place of residence, Bayreuth, but nationwide. In addition to her volunteer work with “Bunt statt Braun- gemeinsam stark für Flüchtlinge e.V.” (Colorful instead of brown – strong together for refugees), she helped organize educational events in Bayreuth and was active in the sewing café for refugees. She has also traveled throughout Germany as a speaker against racism for glokal e.V., studied economics at Kiron University (Open Higher Education for Refugees, Berlin), and has made repeated efforts to obtain a work permit.
I would like to denounce the underhanded deportation practice of the Free State of Bavaria and call upon you to immediately arrange for the release of Immaculate Adet as well as to recognize her application for residence according to §25b AufenthG!
Yours sincerely, (name)
Template 3
Dear Minister of State for the Interior Joachim Herrman,
The imminent deportation of Ms. Immaculate Adet deeply concerns me. With her we lose a courageous and committed fellow citizen!
With dismay I take note, how in a moment, where on federal level around a changed asylum legislation and a new immigration law one wrestles – and straight such obvious law gaps as in the case of Mrs. Adet the starting point for the necessary regulation need are, in Bayreuth/respectively Bavaria, without reason, and without serious respect of the person facts are created.
Surely you are aware of the case by now.
Hoping that a humane and reasonable solution will be found here quickly and hope that you will work for this,
Yours sincerely, (name)
Template 4 (Addition for multipliers in political education)
I benefit in my work for democracy and an open society from the work that Immaculate Adet has done in recent years.

3 statements on the deportation of our colleague Immaculate Adet

Newsletter 1 (30.08.2018)

Dear friends,

With great concern we learned today that Immaculate A., who is in the glokal speaker pool and gives seminars and workshops for us nationwide, has been in deportation custody since yesterday evening (29.08.2018) to be deported to Uganda.

We urge you to support the release of Immaculate A.! Please write emails to the mayor and the chief administrator of the city of Bayreuth to obtain their release.

– Mayor of the City of Bayreuth Ms. Brigitte Merk-Erbe(oberbuergermeisterin[ÄT]stadt.ba yreuth[DOT]de)

– Senior Administrator Manuela Brozat (Department for Family, School and Social Affairs at the City of Bayreuth, Referat5[ÄT]stadt.bayreuth[DOT]de)

On Wednesday evening, August 29, 2018, at 22h, our education consultant Immaculate A. arrived in custody of deportation after 14 years in Germany and is to be deported to Uganda. Immaculate A. was locked away immediately after the hearing at the Administrative Court of Bayreuth, where a negative decision was made on her application for the right of residence. We are deeply shocked by this inhumane and brutal practice of the Free State of Bavaria. A. lived for years in Bayreuth, where she volunteered with “Bunt statt Braun – gemeinsam stark für Flüchtlinge e.V.” (“Colorful instead of brown – strong together for refugees”) and was also active nationwide as a glokal educational consultant, giving seminars and workshops critical of racism. We would like to make the underhanded deportation practice of the Free State of Bavaria public and demand that our colleague Immaculate A. be released and her application for residence recognized!

Yesterday at the Administrative Court of Bayreuth: Immaculate A. had her hearing before the Administrative Court because of her residence. She hoped that this would be granted under §25b of the Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgewährung bei nachhaltiger Integration).
One problem was that Immaculate A. did not have a valid passport for a long time. She had struggled for years to regain her passport, which proved to be a difficult and arduous undertaking. In 2017, an application for a stay under §25b was filed with the city through an attorney. This was rejected, and the appeal against the rejection was still pending. The Hardship Commission (HFK) gave the signal to wait and see what comes out of the appeal. The HFK can only become active if the residence has been rejected according to §25b AufenthG.
Two weeks ago Immaculate A. actually got her passport. After consultations with Caritas and her new lawyer, she took him to the Bayreuth city immigration office. Shortly thereafter came the invitation to the court hearing, scheduled for 29.08.2018.

Yesterday, the Administrative Court of Bayreuth made it clear that tolerations that come about because of passportlessness, as in the case of Immaculate A., do NOT count towards the eight years of residence that are considered a prerequisite for the applicability of §25b. The VG referred to a ruling of the VGH Bavaria (file number 19CE181628).
In court yesterday, Immaculate A. was repeatedly told that she had not cooperated in obtaining a passport. The accusation: identity concealment, thus no integration into the German legal system, thus no application of §25b.
The accusation of not being integrated into German society is not tenable: Immaculate A. was highly involved not only in her place of residence, Bayreuth, but throughout Germany. In addition to her work with “Bunt statt Braun”, she has co-organized educational events in Bayreuth and was active in the sewing café for refugees. She has also done educational work critical of racism nationwide at glokal e.V., studied economics at Kiron University (Open Higher Education for Refugees, Berlin), and has made repeated efforts to obtain a work permit. All of this played NO role in the trial.

The jury court retired for “deliberation,” only to announce shortly thereafter that the motion for a stay under §25b would NOT be granted. Immaculate A. and her colleagues from “Bunt statt Braun” were shocked and planned to prepare everything for the hardship commission with Caritas today, Thursday.
But when they left the courtroom, there were already two police cars in front of the door, as well as two security officers from the Administrative Court, several police officers and the three officers from the Bayreuth-Stadt Foreigners’ Office. A plainclothes officer asked Immaculate A. to come along. Her lawyer intervened immediately and then accompanied her client. Unlike in the asylum law (where the issuance of the judgment takes a few weeks), in the aliens law applied here, deportation can take place IMMEDIATELY.

These events indicate that the rejection of her request had already been decided and organized before the actual verdict.
Their friends were promised by a police officer that they could say goodbye. However, Immaculate A. was led into the police building and taken away through the back exit. The friends were later told that they had posed a security risk and that the police had therefore decided not to let them leave. Immaculate A. was taken to her accommodation, where she was given 10 minutes to pack her things. When their friends reached the shelter, they only saw the taillights of the departing police car. The board of “Bunt statt Braun” had asked the police officers to wait, but the senior police officer refused on the grounds that he had “private appointments later”.

We accuse the court and the Free State of Bavaria that Immaculate A. s verdict was already determined in advance and that she did not receive a trial based on the principles of the rule of law. Processes are timed so that deportation can take place in the evening. Especially in times of state elections, a particularly rigorous deportation practice is followed in Bavaria in order to gather votes on the right-wing fringe.

We demand that Immaculate A. be released and receive a residence permit according to §25b.

We hope for your support,

the glokal team

Newsletter 2 (02.09.2018)

Dear friends,

thank you for your solidarity with Immaculate Adet, so far written emails, letters and calls to Mayor and Department 5!

Our speaker is still in custody pending deportation. In consultation with other supporters of Immaculate Adet, we decided to go one level higher and contact the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior directly.

Therefore we would like to ask you to send e-mails and letters to the Minister of State for the Interior and Integration Joachim Hermann or to call him.
Official contact form here.
E-mail address: post office[ÄT]stmi.bayern[DOT]de
Postal address: Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior and for Integration, 80524 Munich, Germany
Phone: 089 / 2192-01

(For quite spontaneous: Tomorrow, Monday, the Minister will visit the Wiesnwache in Rosenheim at 11:30h).

Please also sign the petition of “Bund statt Braun – gemeinsam stark für Flüchtlinge e.V.” and forward it .

For your emails: We have compiled some templates here on our website. There you can find suggestions or use our templates directly. On the same page you will also find our first newsletter from 30.08. with background information and from 03.09. current info.

We thank you very much for your support,

the glokal team