“The fairy tale of eye level”

glokallogoWorkshop on Power and Solidarity in North-South Partnerships.
December 9, 2016 Berlin
10:00 – 17:30
organized by glokal e. V
In development partnerships, there is usually a great deal of imbalance. Some give, others take. Some decide, for others it is decided. Some evaluate, others are evaluated.
The aim of the workshop is to address power relations in partnership work and to look for possibilities of action in order to stimulate a more equal and power-sensitive cooperation between individuals and organizations from North and South.
In addition to a brief historical-theoretical introduction to the idea of partnership in North-South relations, and the placement of one’s own experiences in perspectives critical of racism, there will be space for exchange and networking.
The workshop is aimed at active members and staff of development organizations in Germany who work with partner organizations or have been organizing and/or supporting projects in countries of the Global South for a long time.
The workshop is organized by glokal e.V. and will take place on 09.12.2016 from 10:00-17:30.
Location: Seminar room at Ölberg-Gemeinde, Lausitzerstr. 29, 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg
Participation is free of charge. A lunch can be purchased on site for approximately 4 euros (vegetarian) to 5.50 (non-vegetarian).
The application specifying the following points
 Name and organization
 Scope
 1 or 2 questions that concern me most regarding partnerships.
please send to anmeldung@glokal.org by 30.06.2016. Please also indicate if lunch (vegetarian/non-vegetarian) is requested.
Mariana Lo Sasso and Timo Kiesel
The workshop is part of the project “Postcolonial Perspectives on Developmental Practice”. The project is supported by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL, the Landesstelle Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Berlin as well as from the funds of the Church Development Service by Brot für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklungsdiens