On July 29, 2014, Badra Ali Diarra, an activist from Oranienplatz, was taken into custody pending deportation at the instigation of the Börde Aliens Office (Saxony-Anhalt). He is to be deported to Italy. The man from Mali is part of the so-called Oranienplatz agreement with the Senate. However, he did not receive the redistribution to Berlin and subsequent case-by-case examination promised by the Senate. The deportation stop promised in the settlement paper is also not granted. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Oranienplatz
World Refugee Day – Grant refugees at Berlin’s Oranienplatz residence now!
On the occasion of the United Nations World Refugee Day on June 20, 2014, the member organizations of the Berlin Development Policy Council (BER) and other organizations call for a residence permit for the refugees of the evacuated protest camp at Berlin’s Oranienplatz. Continue reading