WeVoice! For resistant alternatives to the development myth

The decolonial exhibition “WirStimmen! For Resistant Alternatives to the Development Myth” was shown for the first time from November 1-28, 2019 at the August-Bebel-Institut in Berlin-Wedding(Müllerstraße 163, 13353 Berlin).

The aim of the exhibition is to show the intertwining of historically grown, postcolonial power and domination relations, as well as to present networks and actors of resistance. The focus is on locating histories that have been overwritten, silenced, forgotten, or marginalized (for example, anti-colonial resistance). This is illustrated above all by video and audio material from a total of eight interviews with activists from the Global South and North. Their resistant, creative and empowering strategies as well as other examples of global, social movements should inspire the visitors to reflect and become active themselves. The statements of the activists were divided into 4 focal points at four stations each. The first station MYTH DEVELOPMENT delves into the causes and the ideological foundations of the idea of global development that determines life on our planet. Their effects in the form of exploitation, racism, destruction, domination, and theft of land and soil are illustrated in the second station DEVELOPMENT HERRSCHAFT. Since the beginning of the domination of the “developed” people have resisted it. Topic of the third station: RESISTANCE. Not only the resistance against the conditions, but also the dream of a better life on our planet is unbroken. At the fourth station, we learn how LIBERATION can look like and be realized concretely.

Exhibition: November 1 – November 28, 2019
Opening hours: Tue-Thu, 2-6pm, on request and on the evening dates 01, 07. November 14 and 28, 2019

Accompanying events:

Fri 01 November, 19-21 h | Vernissage
At the opening of the exhibition, some of the activists interviewed for the exhibition will present their perspectives and experiences on development and decolonization. Through concrete examples, we will learn about very different resistant practices. Performer and artist Yili Rojas presents her installation “K,” in which she explores the impact of 500 years of colonization.
With: Doğan Akhanlı and Lucia Muriel (glokal e.V.), Tahir Della (promoter for decolonization), Yili Rojas (artist), Israel Kaunatjike (Bündnis Völkermord verjährt nicht), Safter Çınar (trade unionist) and Aki Krishnamurthy (theater and dance educator).


Thu 07 November, 7pm-2pm | Film screening and discussion
“Namibia: Past. Present. Future”
Many do not know that the first genocide of the 20th century against the Hereros and Namas was committed by German colonists in Namibia. Filmmaker Nadia Alazaar talks with Israel Kaunatjike about the historical significance of demands for reparations for the genocide of German colonists in Namibia.
With: Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard (filmmaker) and Israel Kaunatjike (Bündnis Völkermord verjährt nicht), Doğan Akhanlı (glokal e.V.), Tahir Della (promoter for decolonization).

Thu Nov 14, 7pm-2pm | Discussion
“Who owns the world today? On the human right to mobility”
The discussion will focus on migration and flight, self-organization and participation, and initiatives and projects will be presented. The discussion will be moderated by Adam Baher (glokal e.V.), who will present his role play on flight and migration (in cooperation with solar e.V.). The Latin American Women’s Network (requested) will present their initiative “Ni una menos” (Not one less) and Jennifer Kamau from the self-help initiative International Women Space.

Thu 28 Nov, 7pm-2pm | Finissage
In our finissage Fernanda Oliveira de Souza (project manager of “Dekolonial” at Allerweltshaus Cologne) sums up the exhibition and the significance of the critical examination of the myth of development. Our interviewee Adelaida Bravo comments with conclusions for daily political action and the connections with the current situation in Bolivia and Latin America. With musical accompaniment by Rosa Shakur (vocals/flute, drums, piano).

The exhibition takes place within the project connecting the dots! Sponsored by Engagement Global with financial support from the BMZ and from budget funds of the State of Berlin – Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.

Supported by the promoter for postcolonialism and antiracism Tahir Della in the Berlin Promotor*innenprogramm.