Self-organizations of Black and African people as well as postcolonial initiatives protest against their exclusion in the preparation of the current Senate concept for coming to terms with Hamburg’s “colonial heritage”.
Afrika Bund (Hamburg) / Afrikarat-Nord / Arbeitskreis Hamburg Postkolonial / Arca – African Education Center Hamburg / Initiative Black People in Germany (ISD-Bund and Regional Group Hamburg) / Central Council of the African Community in Germany
PRESS RELEASE Hamburg 9.7.2014
False start in the culture of remembrance
Self-organizations of black and African people as well as postcolonial initiatives protest against their exclusion in the preparation of the current Senate concept for the reappraisal of Hamburg’s “colonial heritage
In its statement to the city’s parliament yesterday, the Hamburg Senate presented the outlines of a planned commemorative concept for coming to terms with the city’s colonial history.
Basically, the associations of black and African people in Germany as well as Hamburg’s postcolonial initiatives welcome this first nationwide concept for coming to terms with the city’s colonial history, which they themselves initiated and have demanded for years.
At the same time, they strongly protest the unacceptable exclusion of their representatives from the development of this concept, which accordingly leaves little room for the future participation of the descendants of colonized people and critical history initiatives.
Ginnie Bekoe, member of the advisory board of the Initiative Black People in Germany (ISDBund) explains: “That the descendants of the victims of colonialism and racism are denied the collaboration on the concept we ourselves suggested is a scandal. It becomes clear that the perspectives of black people and people of color on the history and present of our city are deliberately ignored until today.”
HMJokinen from the Working Group Hamburg Postcolonial comments: “The result is a concept of remembrance decreed by the city, a top-down model without opportunities for Black people’s initiatives and civil society actors to shape and participate. We again call on the Senate to immediately invite them to a round table where a concept can be developed together.”
Ginnie Bekoe – isdhamburg[at]
HMJokinen – info[at]
More information
Press release of the Senate from 8.7.2014
Statement of the Senate to the Bürgerschaft of 8.7.2014