[Update to this blog post under Receipt of Bones Boycotted].
Joint Press Release of the International NGO Alliance “Genocide has no statute of limitations!” and the Central Council of the African Community in Germany
For Whites Only?
Germany excludes descendants of colonized people and critical public from return of further stolen bones to Namibia in Berlin Charité. 120 NGOs demand apology and reparations for colonial land theft and genocide in Namibia. Central Council of the African Community in Germany demands return of all bones and cultural treasures appropriated in Africa.
Berlin, 5.3.2014
The Central Council of the African Community and the international NGO alliance “Genocide has no statute of limitations!”, supported by 120 organizations, vigorously protest Germany’s deliberate exclusion of people of African origin, particularly affected by colonialism, racism, apartheid and genocide, from today’s restitution ceremony for the abducted remains of their ancestors.
Thus, to the dismay of their descendants, no representatives of the Herero, Nama and San most affected by the genocide (1904-08) in the former colony of “German Southwest Africa” have been invited to Berlin to receive the mortal remains of their murdered ancestors who were deported to Germany for racist research.
People of African origin living in Germany and black people, who were proposed for invitation by the Embassy of the Republic of Namibia as representatives of important non-governmental organizations, were also excluded from attending the return ceremony at the Charité hospital in Berlin, which was scheduled at short notice. Even some members of the press were denied admission.
The Central Council and the NGO Alliance call on the Federal Republic to no longer evade its historical-political and moral-ethical responsibility for German colonial racism by using methods that confirm its persistence into the present.
Berlin-based Herero Israel Kaunatjike, a representative of the “Genocide has no statute of limitations!” alliance, says: “If I, as a Herero, have to stand outside the door while inside the bones of my murdered ancestors are being returned, then even our struggle against apartheid is not yet over. There can be reconciliation only when the Germans have officially asked us to apologize for the genocide and compensated us for the land and cattle taken from us at that time.”
Moctar Kamara, chairman of the Central Council of the African Community, adds: “Our exclusion is unacceptable. We call on Germany’s population to share with us and vigorously advocate for the return of all looted bones and cultural treasures to Africa.”
NGO Alliance “Genocide has no statute of limitations!”: Israel Kaunatjike – 01731035605 n.roeschert@africavenir.org
Central Council of the African Community in Germany: Moctar Kamara – 01721797958 info@afrika-rat.org
Info: www.restitution-namibia.de
Press conference: 5.3.2014, 12:30 p.m., Seminar für Afrikawissenschaften der HU Berlin, Invalidenstraße 118, 4. Etage, Raum 410 ein (access via Schlegelstraße 26 possible).
Handing over of the bones: 5.3.2014, 2:30 p.m., Anatomy Lecture Hall of the Berlin Charité, Philippstraße 12