Author Archives: Aggelis

Newsletter August 2020

Dear friends,

as already announced in the last newsletter, registration is now open: For our qualification for development organizations and groups on anti-racism and decoloniality starting September 2020.

Registration deadline for the first two online seminars is August 28, 2020.

The qualification series of glokal e.V. enables the participants to deal with decolonial topics in development policy contexts and structures in a way that is critical of power and racism. It is open to activists and employees of development policy groups and organizations.

The series consists of 5 online seminars on September 2 and 16; October 7 and 21; and November 13, 2020 from 1-5pm each day. Topics of the seminars will be, after a content-related introduction, anti-racist and decolonial educational events, public relations, event planning and organizational structures.

Registration is possible for single to all 5 online seminars. Since the first two seminars provide a foundation, attendance is especially recommended. The number of participants is limited to 18.

Registration please only via: painemal[at]glokal[punkt]org

More info on the contents of the individual seminars here.

Summer greetings,

the glokal team

Newsletter July 2020

Dear friends,

also in the summer months we have some interesting announcements to make to you.

1st educational event MINOSIA on July 28, 2020.
Already next week, on Tuesday, 28.07.2020 from 10-14h there will be an educational event with the participation of glocal member Adam Baher. All actors in political, racism-critical and transcultural education work are invited. Title is: Trip to Minosia, An adventurous digital information journey. More information and the registration can be found here.

2. new workshops in the glokal project KlimaDeSol
New information about the KlimaDeSol project is available. You can find them on this page.

3. new glokal qualification series for development policy organizations on anti-racism and decoloniality

Starting in the fall of 2020, glokal will offer a series of training courses on critical approaches to power and racism for committed representatives of initiatives and organizations active in development policy. Contents will be:
Introduction to power-critical, anti-racist, decolonial topics
Application to contexts and structures in the practice of development policy organizations
Alternative courses of action to discriminatory practices
Teaching competencies for emancipated, decolonial, power-critical action in educational and project work
The qualification series will consist of five online seminars. Information will be available soon on our website.
We send you greetings of solidarity,
the glokal team


All our offers in the form of conferences, workshop series, training courses in the projects Global Erinnern and KlimaDeSol have been comprehensively prepared and designed in the past months. The content framework and objectives remain the same, but we will adapt the timeline to current conditions. Read more here.

Newsletter June 2020

Dear friends,

we have all had very special months. A lot has happened with us and we have had to adjust to big changes. A lot had to and still has to be moved into the digital space. Nevertheless, we are also experiencing a great energy on the streets these days.

In the following, we draw your attention to exciting glokal events, a new project and reading material, among other things:

1. events KlimaDeSol: empowerment workshops and trainings
With the project we not only want to give important impulses to a democratic, decolonial and solidary movement around climate justice, but also to counter the so far white – elitist and western dominated concept of climate with decolonial, holistic and intersectional narratives.
The first of four empowerment events will be held this summer, on July 1, 2020 and August 12, 2020. You can find the flyer for the events here.
In addition, we address white-positioned people in the climate movement, activists in the climate movement, climate justice, and the diverse grassroots movement with six seminars or webinars. For this purpose, the first webinars will be held on June 22, June 26 and August 13, 2020. You can find the flyer for the events here, and more about the project here.

2. new project: local global history
It is not only in Germany that the idea of separate and competing nation-states continues to prevail. This is largely codified by nationally demarcated historical narratives. In contrast, we see the need for a transnational memory space. In the new project, we would like to devote ourselves to the global interconnections of history and the present.
The main measure of the project is the development of a digital map in Berlin and four other cities in cooperation with local groups. More about the project can be found here.

3. interview and article: Transnational Memory Space and Violence at Europe’s External Borders.
On the topic of transnational memory space, glokal member Doğan Akhanlı gave an exciting interview in the junge Welt that you can read here. Carolin Philipp of glokal has written an article here in the newspaper Neues Deutschland about murders at Europe’s external borders.

4. demonstrations 06.06.: Against racist police violence!
We also want to call on you to take to the streets against racist police violence, whether it’s in the U.S., in Germany, or on Europe’s borders.
On Saturday, June 06, 2020, demonstrations will take place in many cities from Augsburg to Osnabrück. Be there!

We send you greetings of solidarity,
the glokal team

Symposium 2020: Cooperation between Refugees and Welcome Initiatives

On Friday, April 24, 2020, glokal e.V. invites you to a symposium on the topic “Cooperation between refugees and welcome initiatives”. The aim of our symposium is to reflect on our glokal project “For a welcome without paternalism” and to look back on the three qualification series from 2018-2020. From this experience, we want to explore the question: How can a non-paternalisitic and discrimination-sensitive cooperation succeed and which hurdles must and should be overcome? You can find more information here.

SPECIAL EDITION: Newsletter COVID-19 March 2020

Dear colleagues and friends of glokal,

we are all currently faced with many changes in our daily lives, in the planning of activities and our announced events in connection with the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

The whole glokal team has been discussing the necessary steps regarding the timeline of our projects. Here we would like to share the most important decisions with you.

First of all: All our offers in the form of conferences, workshop series, trainings in the projects OPAT and KlimaDeSol as well as the exhibition Connecting the Dots have been comprehensively and participant-centered prepared and designed in the past months. The content framework and objectives remain the same, but we will adapt the timeline to current conditions.

1. climate decolonial and solidary(KlimaDeSol)
In relation to the empowerment workshop series “Climate decolonial and solidarity”, detailed information will be published later today. The implementation will be postponed to the months of June, July or August, depending on the agreement with the speakers.

2. project OPAT-Welcome without paternalism
Our conference on: collaboration between refugees and welcome initiatives, which was to take place on April 24, 2020, will be postponed. As soon as it is clear when it can take place, we will inform you in time.

3. project Connecting the Dots/exhibition WirStimmen!
The loan of the exhibition “WirStimmen! For Resistant Alternatives to the Development Myth” will not be possible until probably the end of May 2020. If there is interest in booking for the following months, contact us by email.

4. publications / shipping and online offers
For the newly won time we would like to recommend our publications and online offers to you. At the same time, this can support the work of glokal.
I.e. for now the shipping of all our publication continues! We apologize for any delays in shipping. You can order here. In addition, our online offerings, the material platform “mangoes and bullets” and the eLearning Toll “connecting the dots” are of course still available.

5. glokal workshops: Precarious work
Like many people who are active in political education, we at glokal and our pool of speakers are also affected by the cancellation of our workshops due to the lack of a new speaker. Covid-19. Petitions have already been created because of this, so that not only companies but also precarious workers* get proper support, see for example here. Currently, measures for freelancers are being negotiated at the state and federal level, see info here.

6. active and in solidarity right now
We would like to continue to use the time in the future to remain politically active and in solidarity and to continue – or especially now – to organize. For while Europe is currently the center of the COVID-19 pandemic, living conditions are particularly precarious at Europe’s borders and in the camps where refugees are forced to live (see medico international’s appeal here). Please also follow our facebook page!

Please contact us by email if you have ideas for organizing and actions, suggestions on how to deal with the situation and if you want to tell us something about your situation or in general!

Many greetings, the glokal team

Newsletter March 2020

Dear people,

also under the impression of the racist murders in Hanau and the violence of Europe at its external borders we would like to draw your attention to some events.
We continue to hope to structurally counter racism and violence in the long term and to create partnership structures based on solidarity and respect.

1. further education: cooperation between migrant and established social organizations
Questions about the immigration society can no longer be discussed and shaped from a proxy perspective of the dominant society. Long before Germany declared itself a country of immigration, numerous active migrant self-organizations already existed. Their expertise was rarely
perceived and even less recognized as equal. In the further training, conditions for a cooperative partnership are analyzed and possibilities of clarifying the assignment are worked out, which do justice to the different organizational degrees and cultures. More about the training and registration you can find

2. climateDeSol: workshops in April and May 2020 climate decolonial and solidary
The glokal project KlimaDeSol (Climate decolonial and solidary) wants to give impulses to the climate movement for a democratic, decolonial and solidary movement for climate justice. KlimaDeSol will offer four workshops in the spring: on April 11, 18, 25, and May 09, 2020.
You can find more information on the project website

3rd registration: Specialist day glokal project “For a welcome without paternalism”.
How can non-paternalistic collaboration succeed? We would like to draw your attention once again to the
of the glokal project “For a welcome without paternalism” on April 24, 2020. We invite: Refugees and activists or employees of initiatives or associations working with refugees.
Sign up at opat[ät]glokal[dot]org.

4. fortress europe and racist violence
Please read and spread the
Call for transnational solidarity and against racism and war
which hundreds of initiatives and organizations have signed since Europe is again “defending” its fortress walls against refugees at the Greek-Turkish border using massive violence.

glokal has also written a statement about the racist murders in Hanau, which you can find

Solidarity greetings,

the glokal team

glokal exhibition WirStimmen!

from November 1-28, 2019, the glokal exhibition took place at the August-Bebel-Institut in Berlin Wedding. The goal of the glokal exhibition is to show the interconnectedness of historically grown, postcolonial power and domination relations, as well as to present networks and actors of resistance and liberation. More information and the accompanying program can be found here. More about the project can be found here, a report on the vernissage can be read here.

Newsletter March 2019

To all the people out there in solidarity …

1. solidarity: thank you to you!
Last December, among other things, we made it known via our glokal newsletter that our colleague Tahir had to pay a fine of 1200€ for a tweet against the so-called women’s march of the AfD.

Since then, many of you have shown great solidarity and made it clear: Protest and resistance against the new right is right and important for you! Even though the AfD will continue to try to break and criminalize resistance to its exclusionary ideology and policies on many levels, we must not allow ourselves to be intimidated.

Tahir forwards the excess money donated for legal aid of other activists. This is to practice solidarity with people who have been criminalized by their protest.

We thank you again for your solidarity! See you on panels, info events and on the street!

2. project “Welcome without paternalism”: new qualification series starting in May 2019

At the end of January, we successfully completed our second qualification series for people with refugee experience. In the project OPAT – Welcome without Paternalism, up to 10 people with refugee experience had the opportunity to be trained as multipliers and consultants in political education in order to be able to work as trainers in the field of racism sensitization and empowerment in the future.

From May 2019 to early 2020, we have another opportunity to offer a qualification series for up to 10 people with refugee experience. Also in our third qualification series, the following topics are covered in five modules of 3 days each, in coordination with the needs of the participants:

1) Empowerment
2) Methodology for working with groups
3) Dealing with dominance and power relations in work with groups.
4) Introducing the systemic power critical approach to education.
5) Reflection of the own role
6) Design of the participants’ own workshop format.

Please contact us at the following eMail if you want to participate in the series: opat[ät]glokal[dot]org

And: Feel free to forward the information!

Many greetings, the glokal team