Statement on the events in the State Initial Reception Center (LEA) for asylum seekers in Ellwangen on the occasion of the prevention of a deportation. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Solidarity
“Development is a mirage”
In an interview, economist and activist Alberto Acosta calls for talking about causes of flight from an emancipatory perspective. It was created in the wake of the event Self-determined and in solidarity! Conference on migration, development and ecological crisis.
Self-determined and in solidarity! Decolonial perspectives on migration, development and ecological crisis.
Tomorrow, the activist conference Selbstbestimmt und solidarisch! organized by Afrique-Europe-Interact, Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie and glokal, among others, will begin in Leipzig. Even though there are unfortunately no more free places now, it might be worth taking a look at the program. And we’ll try to document as much as possible and make it available online.
Message from Doğan Akhanlı
Message of Doğan Akhanlı to the participants of the “Arsch huh” event: “Wähle jon – Demokratie braucht keine Alternative!” on 27.08. in Cologne:
“Dear friends!
Because of my arrest in Spain due to Turkey’s intervention, I am a bit tired and exhausted right now, but despite the current threat, my strength against racism and discrimination has not diminished. On the contrary!
Meslektaşımız Doğan Akhanlı’nın Tutuklanması
19 Aǧustos 2017 Cumartesi itibariyle arkadaşımız ve meslektaşımız Dogan Akhanlı’nın Granada’da tutuklandığı haberini büyük bir kaygı ile öğrendik. Resmi kaynaklar tutuklama kararının, Türk hükümetinin isteği doğrultusunda İnterpolun kırmızı bültenine dayanılarak yapıldığını doğrulamış bulunmaktadırlar.
The Arrest of our Colleague Doğan Akhanlı
It was with tremendous concern that we learned that our colleague Doğan Akhanlı was arrested in the early morning hours on Saturday, August19th 2017, in Granada (Spain). Official sources confirm that the Spanish police were reacting to an Interpol Red Notice, prompted by the Turkish Government. Continue reading
Libertad para Doğan Akhanlı
Con gran preocupación nos hemos enterado de que nuestro colega, el escritor Doğan Akhanlı, fue detenido en Granada (España) el sábado 19 de Agosto de 2017 en las tempranas horas de la mañana. Agentes del Cuerpo Nacional de la Policía española accionaron acatando una orden de captura internacional de la Interpol por reclamación de las autoridades turcas. Continue reading
Arrest of our colleague Doğan Akhanlı
It is with great concern that we have learned that our colleague, the writer Doğan Akhanlı, was arrested in Granada, Spain, in the early hours of Saturday, Aug. 19, 2017. According to officially confirmed information, the Spanish police were responding to an international emergency note issued by Interpol and initiated by Turkey. Continue reading
New: The fairy tale of eye level
We are pleased to announce our new brochure: The fairy tale of eye level. Power and Solidarity in North-South Partnerships
Eye level and partnership are phrases that are often used in North-South, solidarity or ‘development cooperation’. They are meant to signal progressiveness and demonstrate equality. But do the terms extend beyond rhetoric? What are the patterns of thinking and structures in North-South partnerships? What are the perspectives of the so-called southern partners on cooperation?
In the publication “Das Märchen von der Augenhöhe” (“The Fairy Tale of Eye Level”), glokal e.V. has brought together ten activists, committed people and NGO workers from the Global South and North to shed light on different aspects of NGO structures, school partnerships, voluntary services and solidarity work. A theoretical introduction makes the historical-political framework tangible, and a reflection and practice guide supports the analysis and transformation of the reader’s own engagement.
The brochure can be
be ordered from us.
We will be happy to link the advertising banner! Download advertising banner [hier]
Solidarity with Standing Rock Sioux Nation
In April 2016, the Standing Rock Sioux Nation called for support of all indigenous peoples against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). DAPL threatens the water system of millions along the Missouri, but especially Standing Rock. Since September 2016, hundreds of Nations sent letters of support and thousands joined the gathering at Sacred Stone Camp.
Despite illegal tactics, misinformation by media, attacks by corporate mercenaries and arrests by police, the assembly decided to remain calm and not allow the desecration. They are building a completely self-sustaining city with renewable, “earth friendly” energy for all Nations.
Standing Rock Sioux Nation is asking for support and donations for supplies and legal defense. Care should be taken to make donations only to official Native American organizations or other entities listed on their websites (see below).
To learn more about opposition to pipelines in North America, Native news websites can be consulted.
If you want to send supplies directly, you can mail them to:
Sacred Stone Camp
P.O. Box 1011
Fort Yates, ND 58538
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
Attention: Donations
PO Box D
Building #1
North Standing Rock Avenue
Fort Yates, ND 58538
- To send supplies to the children at the Defenders of the Water School, please purchase items on the Amazon Wish List for children…please DO NOT send more school supplies.
- You can donate directly to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe at their PayPal.
- Here is the Sacred Stone Camp’s general Amazon Wish List.
- Sacred Stone Camp direct funding:
OR BY PayPal:
OR for Sacred Stone Camp legal fund:
- Red Warrior Camp direct general funding:
OR you can donate directly to the Red Warrior legal fund.
- Oglala Camp direct funding:
- To help winterize the large, Oceti Sakowin Camp and keep water protectors on site this winter:
- To support a women’s healing, wellness, and birthing center at camp:
- Please send medical supplies directly to:
Wasté Win Young
950 Meadowlark Street
Fort Yates ND 58538
- Please send herbs and traditional medicines directly to:
Linda Black Elk
P.O. Box 924
Mobridge, SD 57601